Otito Nosike
3 min readMar 25, 2023

Ways to win my heart
It's really not that difficult to win over my heart. The things that matter the most to me are the little things that other people take for granted. And so, in no particular order, here are the five ways to win my heart:

1. Intelligence

As long as I continue to exist, I'll always be drawn to intelligent people. I can't explain it but something about intelligence attracts me. To understand this, think of a magnet drawing another magnet. I feel exactly the same way when I'm around intelligent folks. I will fall completely in love when the intelligent person is a love interest. A combination of intelligence, seasoned with eloquence and courage, plus a pair of alluring, well-rounded breasts, preferably droopy, and a face to match, will win me over, any day, any time.

2. Good Food

I don't think I can emphasize enough how important it is to eat good food. I am a true Igbo man, and as you all know, an Igbo man's mouth is predisposed to exclusively consuming good food. I am the proverbial man who believes that the stomach is the way to his heart. Any woman who makes me happy with her food always gets richly rewarded. When it comes to compensating women who prepare delicious meals, I am extremely gracious.

3. Kindness

I'm an empath. I can identify with the majority of people's situation. As a result, I am able to treat people with greater kindness than I would ordinarily desire to. Most of the time, I can't help but extend irrational quantities of love to folks who are utterly undeserving. Whenever I come across people who are kind and likes the same things I do, I'm automatically pulled to them, and most of the time, I'm interested in striking a relationship with them. I believe that one of the biggest gifts God has given humanity is the capacity to be kind to oneself and to others.

4. Willingness to Learn

In my opinion, those who exhibit a never-ending desire to learn, can do no wrong. These are the folks I enjoy spending time with because they are open to learning new things and recognize the limitless potential of the human mind. Despite the wealth of knowledge they have amassed, they are aware that they still don't know anything, and are quick to reject the widely held belief that they are geniuses. They practically never speak unless it becomes absolutely necessary for them to and are eager to accept responsibility for their actions. When I notice someone has this quality, I tend to gravitate towards them because I know that being around them will help me become a better person.

5. Realness

I detest fakery. When interacting with others, originality is something I look for. In my opinion, anyone who is afraid to be authentically themselves is always apologizing for who they are, and most of the time, those people are the most insecure people you will ever meet. They choose fictitious personas to conform to their fictitious lifestyles, and they can't even recall the last time they were truly themselves. Nowadays, it's nearly impossible to find someone who feels comfortable using social media to discuss his/her failure due to the new craze of using it to amplify one's success.

People tend to view failure as a negative thing, but in reality, failure is a learning curve and a mandatory step in realizing one’s prior mistake.

I'm a simple soul, and like I said earlier, simple things tend to appeal to me. Everything else that isn't on this list, is secondary.

Otito Nosike
Otito Nosike

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