Otito Nosike
5 min readFeb 14, 2023

Of Crime, Blood Rituals and Death

“You still smell of him, go wash again"

Oscar said just before he got into the pantry to make oats. Tomas, an upstart, who was picked in his teenage years by Papa Dominguez and turned into a homicidally murderous machine for the notorious Dominguez Crime family, had attempted to break free from the Dominguez family and establish his own drug business. He realized an existing blood covenant tied him in perpetual servitude to Papa Dominguez and sought to destroy it.

Tomas had sought the help of a voodoo priestess to release him from the covenant, established when he was in his teens. The priestess, a rather burly woman, possessed with spirits of the ancients, warned Tomas that such spiritual expedition may cost him his life because Papa Dominguez had bought his soul when they entered into a blood covenant. In place of his soul, the demon, Vineus, had taken over. Thus explaining why he killed people at will and fed on their corpse. It also explains why sometimes, Tomas would find himself at cemeteries at the odd hours of the night, performing blood rituals on young boys, sodomizing them before subsequently killing them and draining off their blood.

He used their blood to bath and fortify himself against arrests from law enforcement agencies. One day, Papa Dominguez was in a drunken state, not being able to assist himself to his inner chambers, He beckoned on Tomas to assist him to his inner chambers. After tucking Papa Dominguez to bed, his eagle-like eyes, caught his name, boldly written in blood on a black clay pot in Papa Dominguez's inner chamber. It read "Tomas Sergio Fernandez, the soul of my shackled sicario"

Instantly, for the first time in years, Tomas got hold of himself. He quickly grabbed the black clay pot and carefully placed it into a duffel bag he saw lying idly beside Papa Dominguez’s bed.

Confounded by what he had just discovered, he opted to prod more to further understand why a black clay pot with his name etched in blood was doing in Papa’s chambers. Opening the clay pot, he found a scroll, it reeled of decaying flesh. Just beneath it was a maggot-infested rotting index finger, parts of his hair and shards of his nails. It pretty much explained to Tomas why he had suddenly begun missing his index finger and why he’d notice that he regularly lost his hair and nails, mostly at nights.

The scroll contained the details of the blood covenant between Tomas, Papa Dominguez and Vineus. It read: On this day, 5th December 2002, I, Pedro de Oliveira Dominguez, bring Tomas Sergio Fernandez into my fold to be my sicario. He shall protect me and all my interests. His soul shall be mine for ever. In exchange, I shall give him wealth and everything else he desires. Just as Lucifer has given me all I desired. To please Lucifer, my lord and personal savior, I shall let Vineus take over his soul and body. I swear by the blood of Lucifer that the day I renege on my agreement, may death consume me and my household and may my soul never reach Gehenna to be with Lucifer..."

Tomas was dumbfounded after reading this. Just as he was about to flick to the next page of the scroll, it went up in flames. The ashes on the floor read "We are coming for you. There is no hiding place from Lucifer"

Instantly, Tomas set out for a voodoo priestess he had been acquainted with in his malevolent career of blood, violence and death. Her shrine was rather insidious, skulls of humans lined the entrance, a pungent smell of death, permeated the nose of a first timer. Tomas was no stranger to these things. He made his purpose known and the ritual began.

The voodoo priestess encircled Tomas in a pentagram. He was covered in the blood of a garter snake, whose gut he wore around his neck. The priestess began reciting the spell to cast out Vineus and send him back to Gehenna. Vineus being an obstinate demon refused to leave his host’s body without a fight. The priestess, locked in a battle of supremacy, with Vineus, didn’t notice when Papa Dominguez arrived with his army of fearsome-looking sicarios, all of whom formerly answered to Tomas.

Pleading for mercy, the priestess begged Papa Dominguez to spare her life. Her pleas fell on deaf ears, she was instantly hacked into bits and her parts carried into the car. Papa cheekily added that body parts of virgin priestesses made for good charms.

Oscar, Raul and Javi were instructed by Papa Dominguez to hack Tomas into pieces. Vineus protested, Papa promised to find him a new host within his new set of sicarios who were in training. Vineus omniously cackled and thundered "Away then with this carcass!"

Raul had a personal vendetta against Tomas and so he begged to be the one that struck the final blow. Years ago, Raul's mother had stolen from the cartel. Raul fearing for his mother's life, attempted to sneak her away from town. Tomas caught her and whisked her away. He killed her and sent her rotting decapitated head to Raul on her birthday.

Raul hated Tomas for what he did and prayed for the day that he'd return the favor.

Hacking him, Raul mischievously laughed and said

"Who's begging now, cabron?"

The more Tomas begged, the further it infuriated Raul and the harder he struck. In a short while, Tomas Sergio Fernandez, a once feared sicario, whose presence brought nothing but pain, anguish and sorrow was dead. His decapitated head was given to Papa Dominguez who kept a mini-museum of all the heads of people that had, at one point or the other, crossed him.

Getting home, Oscar and Raul reminisced on the silly times Tomas enforced the laws of the cartel at the expense of their enjoyment. Oscar noticed the blood marks all over Raul's shirt.

Raul retorted "Now that you mentioned it, I actually still smell of that hijo de puta, I'll go wash up"

Otito Nosike
Otito Nosike

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