“Conquer your fear, Become Free" --Buddha
The above-mentioned aphorism attributed to Buddha is still valid today.
It can be summarized thusly: Whatever frightens you, enslaves you.
A slave becomes free the day he thinks himself no longer a slave, not the day he is set free by his master. Conquering your fear has less to do with your limiting situation and more to do with your mindset.
In conquering our fears, we must not only overcome our current fears, but also our susceptibility to future fears. This way, any future "fear" is quickly identified and mentally defeated.
Acknowledging one's fear is the greatest method to overcome it. By recognizing its presence, you de-mystify it, allowing you to recognize it for what it is: a negative mindset that has prevented you from being yourself.
The moment you are able to achieve this, your fear is defeated. The victory over your fear is what gives birth to the hidden self. Buddha refers to this new birth as "whole freedom."
Even if you don’t take anything else away from this, which is understandable given the subjects' complexity, remember this: You will never be free unless you let go of the things that prevent you from being yourself.
Pax Vobiscum.